The Village Hall is open to the public; however, please do not enter if you are sick.
Option 1: In person at the Village Hall from 8am – 4pm.
Option 2: Drop off in our secure drop-box, located in the Village Hall parking lot near our front entrance. We will mail a receipt upon request.
Option 3: Mail your payment to the Village Hall – 206 North Water Street, Albany WI 53502. We will mail a receipt upon request.
Option 4: Direct Payment through the Village of Albany Utility Department. Reach out to the Clerk’s office and get set up; there’s no fees for this option.
**NEW** Option 5: HeyGov, our new portal to view your account and pay online at https://app.heygov.com/albanywi.org/quick-pay
Option 6: By Credit/Debit Card – www.allpaid.com; on the right hand side under Make a Payment enter the following code that matches the type of payment you are trying to complete: 7752 (Water/Sewer) ~ 7753 (Fines/Forfeitures) ~ 7754 (Misc) ~ 7751 (Taxes). This payment method will include a 3% ($3 minimum) administrative fee of the amount paid and a receipt will be generated for you at the time of payment. Please click Online Payment Instructions if need help with the payment screens.
Dog License
To obtain your 2024 dog license, you can apply in person, drop-box or email. If your dog has updated rabies information, please provide a copy of that information as well as the fee, which is $5 spayed/neutered and $10 unaltered. If you chose to provide information via email, we will let you know your fee and once that is received, you will be mailed your new dog license.